This morning my husband comes in our dining room with tears in his eyes. We were having our separate times with Jesus, he in our room and I in the dining room. During my husband's quiet time, he said the following prayer: "God, I know you will provide for us. You have already done it time and time again. Please, Lord, just provide for us to have the gas in the car for what we need to do for the rest of the week." We were running low on gas and finances this week, you see. He told me he no sooner got the words out of his mouth when he received a text message to work today. To see the glow of Jesus surrounding him was breathtaking! We just held each other for a moment and he went to get ready for work.
While he was in the shower, I felt I needed to hurry and make him a special breakfast to love on him for this blessed day. I decided to make him some turkey bacon and reheat some biscuits from the other day and pack him a little sack of snacks to take with him. As I was standing over the stove, the aroma of cooking bacon mixed with something sweeter. It took a second for me to remember that he had filled the house with honeysuckle from the bush outside our dining room window. I had put some in a Coke bottle we found in the backyard and put it on the window sill above the sink, which is next to the stove.
So, there I stood, marveling for a moment at how God answers prayers, breathing in the aroma of bacon, honeysuckle, and the very breath of Jesus in my answered prayers. I am so thankful for the sacrifice Jesus made so we could have this intimacy with God, so our sin no longer separates us from Him, and we can personally reach out to our Almighty Father. I am so beautifully humbled this morning. :-)
What a wonderful reminder that someone bigger than we are is taking care of things.
Stopping from SITS!
I love to read things that you've written. You write with such eloquence. I love to hear you talk about your relationship with God. It's what I long for myself. I'm working on it. I'm just not all the way there yet. It sounds like you've got a wonderful husband. I'm proud for you.
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