Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Wacky Wednesday!!! Time for my attention-span to be set free from its bondage of focus! I guarantee there will be more on my ramblings below in future blogs. :-D

 It's official - we are homeschooling Thomas for kindergarten! After much prayer and deliberation, and a God-sent afternoon with a wonderful single mom of FOUR boys she homeschooled, it was clear to me that this is the direction meant for Thomas and our family.  

 My itty bitty Focus is on its last legs. My wreck in early March blew out the A/C, but nothing else. Now the poor little thing is having problems with spark plugs and fuel injection and something my husband said about an "air-flow sensor." Not big items to repair, but there just isn't the money to fix them right now. I'm concerned about it, but I'm not losing any sleep. God knows my car is vital to our lives. God isn't surprised its not running well. God knows what we need. He will provide. 

I got all my classes set up for summer and fall. I am VERY excited that my nursing research class is this summer instead of the fall. While research can be tedious at times, I do enjoy it and it will be good to have it to focus on during the summer and not having to balance it with psych-social nursing and clinicals. 

Our annual family beach trip this year is to Pensacola, and we're camping! We have a two-man tent (Dad got it for FREE and gave it to us! I simply adore FREE.) and the trip is going to cost us next to nothing. My parents and brother and his family are renting a cabin. My husband and I are pitching our tent right across from the beach on Peridido Bay. It is going to be like a honeymoon for us and I just can't wait!

I got to dig in the backyard with my husband, son, and future step-sister-in-law (did you catch that?). I was hoping to find cool stuff like he did. Nope. I found a rusted distributor from a 50's model car. Yay. *sigh*

My friend Shayna is just plain awesome. She is so talented with so much! Check out her photography here

My husband and I are praying about starting our own business. I'm jazzed about it, but we'll see what Jesus has to say about it. . .

Okay, I think I'm done rambling for today. :-) Hope you have a wonderful, wacky Wednesday too!

1 comment:

LBDDiaries said...

Cool post! My sis-in-law homeschooled 4 kids. One graduated college recently; all the kids are great. I was able to be an at-home mom the last 7 years of son's life at home and have been blessed to be able to stay home for 16.5 of the 17 years we've been married. God has been VERY good to us. Thanks so much for stopping by today. I like your blog title!